Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Back to School - Top 10 Tips for Getting Your Class (and you) Prepared!

This year is a little different for me, I'm actually on leave from my classroom in Canada and will be supply teaching here in Trinidad. So I can't really prepare much...  However, after 14 years of prepping a class, I have a few tips and tricks!

1.  Begin by thinking about the 'big picture'.

  • What general class environment would you like?  What spaces are important to you - a carpet or meeting area? an art space? a quiet reading space? small group conference area?
  • What hardware and furniture will you need to consider?  Do you have a projector or Smartboard?  Tables or desks?  
2.  Now design your physical space.  Furniture can be moved throughout the year, one of my favourite things to do, but being happy with an attractive, functional layout will go a long way to creating your students' first impression of how the year is going to go.  It also helps me put the other pieces into place a little easier after.  
If it's not your first year in a room then this is a little easier but still, think about what areas of your room worked for you last year, which areas were a source of frustration? Or maybe you just want to shake things up a bit and try something new.

3.  Decorate the room - but not too much!  I want my room to look inviting but I don't want it looking finished: that's for the kids. Have bulletin boards ready for work - background colour, title, border, whatever you choose to do to your bulletin boards EXCEPT actually filling them with premade posters. Leave them blank for a first day name art project, collaborative posters on rules and expectations, student goals,...

4.  Plan only the first two days in detail. These are filled with everything but curriculum - getting to know each other activities, lots of routines, rules (although I like to save these for a couple of days), and usually some administrative tasks - names missing from attendance, last minute registrations,...  It never goes smoothly no matter how well you planned. My first couple of days I tend to work from a list rather than a timetable as I never know how long something will take or when we will be interrupted.  I find my two day plan easily takes up the better part of the first week, so anything else was just a waste of my time!

5.  Make sure there is an independent task with CLEAR instructions for students as soon as they enter the class the first morning.  Not only does this set the tone that as soon as they enter the expectation is to begin work, it also gives you a chance to deal with the inevitable confusions and problems that crop up that first morning.

6.  Have plenty of time filler games and activities ready to go!  Make sure all photocopies you need for the first two days are done, it's easy to say you'll do all the photocopies later and then realize belatedly that you forgot! 

7.  Loosely plan the first two weeks.  I make a general outline on a chart for language, math and beginning of the year 'stuff'. Then, I work out how I would like it to fit in my timetable. This helps me make sure I don't let the kids get too bored on one subject.
Click here for a FREE example of mine from FDK last year!
Click here for a FREE example of mine from grade 6!

8.  Keep work a little below grade level to begin with. Curriculum isn't supposed to start right away anyway in case of class changes and we want our students to start the year of positively and feeling success in their new class. Make work about collaboration with new peers, following new (and old) rules and routines and learning skills instead.

9.  Break them (and you) in gently. Summer is long and no one has had to sit and listen for a while. End the day with a big chunk of free time, or play an outdoor game together. You can decrease how early you stop working each day. 

10.  Build movement into activities. This will not only help to transition from summer, it will help the kids mix in different groups than they are perhaps used to and start the year off in a fun way.  One of my first activities each year requires them to get up and moving:  I might do a class BINGO or a scavenger hunt - it doesn't matter, as long as they are up and about and learning something about the class, you or each other.


Click here for a BINGO game  

Click here for a SCAVENGER HUNT

11.  (OK, I lied about 10 tips)  Don't overplan - leave time in your planning to get to know your new group. Chat with them, learn what they like and dislike, hear about their summer, tell them about yours. Building a good rapport will be the most important thing you do for your classroom management all year!

How do you prepare for a new year?  Do you have any other tips?  Or maybe you do things differently.  I'd love to hear your ideas!

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Saturday, 20 August 2016

Our First Two Weeks in Trinidad

Livin' the Dream
We have now been in Trinidad about two weeks and we have been busy!
Home at last!  Just a little luggage - the 4 pieces of hand luggage didn't make the picture.

Landing at 4:40am, we were taken to our new apartment to drop our bags and took off for breakfast and touring. By noon we had already visited a golf course to inquire about memberships, mall to learn about cell phones and a grocery store for, well, groceries, and picked up our 'new' car!

Over the first week we had a lot of list-checking to do but we also managed to fit in golf courses and squash club inquiries as well as watching a lot of squash at the CASA (Caribbean Area Squash Association) Senior Championships. It was the reason we arrived so early after all.  We even made it to the north coast for a beach day and a bake and shark!

What have we learned so far?
- Trinis are incredibly friendly, welcoming, helpful people. 
- The rainy season really is rainy. It rains every. single. day. 
- The driving is fun. They drive on the left here with lots of cars, few roads, poor signage and their own set of rules - no daydreaming allowed!
- They love to eat. Gym membership required...
- We scored an apartment with an amazing view!

The view from our rooftop patio :)

School starts tomorrow so holidays are officially over, settling in period is done and the real world beckons...